How it works

How it works

How it Works Card 1 - Vector Background How it works - Flexible Subscription




Choose a device with either a 12-month or 24-month subscription. We'll send you the device with free delivery, and you get to enjoy it while paying a lower monthly fee than high-street phone stores!

How it Works Card 2 - Vector Top Background How it Works Card 2 - Vector Bottom Background unicorn emoji


Stick, or Return


At the end of your term, the choice is yours! Upgrade the device,
stick with the current device or leave us by returning the device for free.

How it Works Card 3 - Vector Bottom Background helmet icon


Stay Current,
and Freee!


All our devices come with a complimentary warranty.
Upgrade to the latest phone every 12 months and pick any SIM provider that fits your budget! You can get the best SIM deal while still upgrading your device every year!! 🤪📱

Our trusted partners

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Flexible subscription

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1000's of happy customers

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Leasing is just better

thinking face emoji

Help save our planet

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We give great value

Customer Love - Heart Hands

What customers say about us

We do our best to provide you with the best experience ever